
Redeeming Productivity

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Recording Now Available: Plan Your Year 2025

Thank you to everyone who made it live to the Plan Your 2025 for the Glory of God this afternoon! If you missed it or would just like to watch the replay, the recording is now available Watch Replay Download Workbook Download Slides Download "Strokes Tracker" Worksheet If the "Watch Replay" link doesn't work for you, copy and paste this into your browser:...

Issue #187 Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you get more done for the glory of God. Read on the Web In Today’s Issue: The Glory of Good Work The Extinction of Experience How to Be More Productive When an Elder Calls from Space Why You Overwork Dear steward, I pray your week is going well. Let's dive into this week's link roundup! BROUGHT TO YOU BY The Christian Productivity Planner Designed for Christians, built in Notion. The Christian Productivity Planner replaces more...

Read or listen in your browser or watch on YouTube. I recently wrote about the blessings and temptations of remote work, offering some cautions for Christians to be wary of laziness. While many found it helpful, I also received some gentle pushback from readers who said they actually have the opposite problem. They feel guilty when they’re not overdoing it. As I’ve talked with other believers, I’ve found this to be a recurring issue. As Christians, we understand that hard work is a good...

Issue #186 Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you get more done for the glory of God. Read on the Web In Today’s Issue: Overcoming Spiritual Laziness How to Write a Sermon in 8 Hours or Less College Students Can’t Read Books Recommended: Anti-Porn App Quote: John Owen on Killing Sin Dear steward, Hope your Thursday is off to a great start! I’ve had my head down this month working on a massive update to the Redeeming Productivity Academy coursework. I’m excited to tell you...

Read or listen in your browser or watch on YouTube. You can’t change every area of life at once when trying to grow in faithfulness. Here’s a strategy for systematically addressing weaknesses while keeping the rest of your life running smoothly. When you decide to focus on a goal in one area of life, a common challenge arises: how do you maintain progress in other areas? Today, I would like to discuss a strategy for successfully addressing different weaknesses in your life while keeping...

Issue #185 Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you get more done for the glory of God. Read on the Web In Today’s Issue: The Complexity of Calling The Busy Soul Learning to Wait for God When Time Management Was Easy Recommended: A Website for Time Tools Quote: Howard Hendricks on Spiritual Growth Dear steward, Happy October to you! Let’s dive right into this week’s link roundup after a word from my favorite app for listening to the Bible. BROUGHT TO YOU BY Dwell Balance Work...

Read or listen in your browser or watch on YouTube. Starting a side project to make some extra cash can be tempting. But make sure you count the cost before jumping in with both feet. Over the years, I’ve taken on numerous side hustles: I’ve built websites, produced wedding videos, and even started Redeeming Productivity—now my full-time work—as a side project. Through these experiences, I’ve made plenty of mistakes and learned a few valuable lessons about the tricky business of side hustles....

Issue #184 Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you get more done for the glory of God. Read on the Web In Today’s Issue: Slow & Costly vs. Fast & Cheap How to Plan Wickedly Well Who You Become Is More Important Than What You Accomplish John Mark Comer and Practicing The Way Thomas Watson: Content But Never Satisfied Dear steward, A few years back, I adopted the mindset of thinking in terms of quarters instead of just years. There’s something invigorating about making a fresh...

Issue #183 Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you get more done for the glory of God. Read on the Web In Today’s Issue: Ministry Emergency or Distraction? Exercising an Idle Mind The Necessity of Work in Retirement Backblaze Sale Spurgeon on Idleness Dear steward, I pray your Thursday is off to a great start. We’ve been enjoying some cool and foggy mornings here in Michigan this week. And some of my trees are already starting to turn. Fall is most certainly in there air....

Issue #182 Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you get more done for the glory of God. Read on the Web In Today’s Issue: Glorifying God Through Productivity Jonathan Edwards on Time Your Holy Deeds Are Not Filthy Rags Eternally-Minded Time Management Post-Summer Productivity Reset Dear steward, I pray you and yours are doing well! Our family has been closing out the summer season with a beach vacation. We head home tomorrow. Out to dinner to celebrate 13 years of marriage...